
The EMP is taught by professors from three European universities: in Belgium, Université libre de Bruxelles (Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management) and Université de Mons (Warocqué School of Business and Economics), and in France, Université Paris Dauphine, as well as by experts from international NGOs specialised in microfinance.

Each of the partners brings an area of expertise which together deliver a well-rounded programme. Université libre de Bruxelles and Université de Mons offer the necessary financial and economic competencies and expertise in financial regulation and microfinance products. Université Paris Dauphine stands out in matters relating to the socio-economical dimension of microfinance, as well as on the topic of microfinance and commercial banking in urban centres.

ADA, BRS, CERISE and SOS Faim complete the academic perspective with their in-depth expertise in training, information management and technical assistance to the microfinance sector. In addition to providing guest lecturers on a variety of topics, these NGOs are responsible for coordinating the internship component of the programme.